Adding a Task

The procedure for adding a new task is as follows:

1. Under Tasks section, click Create Task.

The Create Task dialog displays.


2. In Create Task dialog, specify the following parameters:

  1. Title: Specify a title for the task.
  2. Assignees: Select the persons to whom the task will be assigned.
  3. Due Date: Specify the task’s due date.
  4. Number of Days to Start Before Due Date: Specify the number of days before the due date when the task would be started.
  5. Estimated Time: Specify the time required for the task to be completed.
  6. Description: Specify a description or details related to the task.
  7. Attached File: Lets you attach any file related to the task if required.


3.  After specifying the above parameters, click Save.
    The task creates with the specified parameters.