Automatic Appointment Suggestions

To make it easier for you to find appointments with your customers, suppliers, etc., Aktenplatz offers you the option of automatic appointment suggestions.

Once set up, this function saves you a lot of time!


The prerequisite for this is that you have created and configured a corresponding field in the project settings under fields. You can do this by

1. clicking on the + in the top right-hand corner, and then selecting the Date field in the menu.

Depending on the way you work, it can be practical to create several fields for different types of regular appointments, for example “telephone appointment” and “On Site appointment”.


2. Now you can define the details of the function. Click on  next to the corresponding field.

Here you can set various parameters, such as the duration of the appointment, which colour it should have in the calendar and the text for a confirmation or cancellation email. Note that an e-mail field must be created so that confirmation or cancellation e-mails can be sent. However, this function is optional. If you activate it, we strongly recommend you to draft the mail here in the settings, since it will be sent without you having the chance to edit it, once you klick send (see below). 


3. Click on Appointment Suggestion Settings to set the conditions of the tool. 

  • If you want to limit the suggestions to a few dates, you can enter them manually under Pick A Date Time Range. The suggestions are then limited to free time slots on these dates.

    This limitation is optional.
  • Sometimes it makes sense to exclude certain categories when determining free time slots. Here in the example, we are looking for a time slot for a telephone appointment. The category “no outside appointments” is irrelevant. We therefore select it here to ignore it when determining the suggestions. 

  • If you schedule 45 minutes for a telephone appointment by default, but regularly have certain telephone appointments that last longer, you can also prepare this variable.

    First create another field, namely a check box. This will appear later in your file. In the example, we call it “Extra Time required”. Then go back to the field settings of the appointment.
    Under Event Duration you will see the field Additional durations. Here, the field “Extra Time required” appears again.


    Enter the number of minutes you want to set for extra-long sessions. It will be added to the 45 minutes when you check the box in the file.
    You can enter more than one Additional Durations following this procedure repeatedly.


Save your changes.

So much for preparing the function. Now let’s move on to its application.


If you want to make a client appointment,

1. Open the corresponding file and select the appointment field.

 At first, only the manual appointment selection appears. You can use this, but there is a risk of double booking. 


2. Scroll down a little with the right bar. Now the available appointment suggestions appear.

3. Select an appointment and click on save.

You have the option to inform the other person about this appointment entry. It is strongly recommended to create a suitable text for this mail in the field settings beforehand.


If you want to cancel an appointment, click on Cancel Event. Here you also have the option to send an email.