
You have the option of synchronising a project in Aktenplatz with an Outlook account or a Google calendar and transferring mails and appointments. In this article we will show you how it works.


Let’s start with Outlook:

You can synchronise your Outlook account with one project in Aktenplatz and import emails, appointments and contacts.

To do so:

1. Select the corresponding project and open the project settings by clicking on the -icon in the dark grey bar on the left side. 

2. Click on Sync in the menu and then on Enable Sync to Outlook. 


A new browser window will open in which you can enter your Outlook mail address and password.

If a different mail address than the one you want to synchronise is already suggested automatically, and if you cannot change that manually, open Aktenplatz in a new private browser window and repeat steps 1 and 2 there.

(To open a private browser window, incognito mode, click on the icon on the right-hand side of the screen, at the height of the browser search bar, and then click on New private window in the menu).

After you have entered your email address and password, you will be taken back to the Aktenplatz app automatically.  


3. Select which items (calendar, contacts, mails) you want to synchronise and click Save changes.

In the next step, you can create your email subscription and then sort and assign your emails into files as you please.


And the Google Calendar?

To connect a project to a Google calendar,

1. also open the project settings and click on Synch.

2. click on Enable Google Sync.

An external browser window opens.

3. In the next step, enter your Google email address and password.


4. Confirm that Aktenplatz is allowed to access and edit your Google calendar.

You will be taken back to the page of the Aktenplatz app. 


5. Select the calendar you want to link to the project and save your changes.


6. Now open the calendar of the project and click on Synch.

Confirm the synchronisation. Your appointments will be synchronised. This may take a short moment.

If necessary, click on the  icon to refresh the synchronisation.


7. Your Google appointments now appear in your project calendar and you can edit them as you wish. Changes that you make to these appointments in Aktenplatz and appointments that you create in the project will also appear in your Google Calendar.


Please note that you can connect a project to either a Google Calendar or an Outlook account, and that you can connect a Google Calendar or an Outlook account to only one project at a time.