Adding a Contact

The procedure for adding a new contact is as follows:

1. In Contacts section, click New Contact.

The Add Contact dialog displays.


2. In Add Contact dialog, specify the following parameters:

  1. First Name: Specify the first name of the contact to be added.
  2. Last Name: Specify the last name of the contact to be added.
  3. Notes: Specify any additional information/notes related to the contact.
  4. Picture. Select the contact’s profile picture. To select a picture, click , browse and select the picture from your system, and click Open.
  5. Add More: Lets you specify additional details related to the contact if desired. To do so, click Add More and specify any of the following details as desired: Email, Chat, Nick name, Middle name, Suffix, Phone, Company name, title,  Business address, Birthday, and many more.


3. Click Create.
    The contact creates and adds into the list.