Creating a Project

Aktenplatz lets you create and manage as many projects as required.

The procedure for creating a project is as follows:

1. Hover over the left pane.
    The left pane expands.


2. In left pane, click Create Project.
    The Create New Project dialog displays.


3. In Create New Project dialog, click From Scratch.
    The parameters required to create a project display.


4. Specify the following parameters as required.

  1. Name: Specify a name for the project. For example, ‘Medical Project’.
  2. Description: Specify the project description as required.
  3. Custom Fields: Specify the custom fields to be used in the project for various purposes. For example, Short text, paragraph, dropdown, checkbox, etc. Some custom fields are already added while creating a project. However, you add as many fields as required by clicking the  icon. For more details about adding a custom field, refer to Specifying Fields


5. Click Create.
    The project adds with the specified parameters.