Using the PDF-viewer

You have the option of working with pdf files directly in the Aktenplatz app in various ways.

To do so, 

1. open a pdf file in Aktenplatz. 

A preview of the file appears in which you can already work.


2. Edit the pdf file in Aktenplatz:

You have various functions to work with pdf files directly in Aktenplatz.

  • Click onto activate the function that allows you to mark places in the pdf and sign documents freehand. Hold down the mouse button at the desired position to place the pencil and move it as desired. Click on the symbol again to deactivate the function. 
  • You can add text anywhere in the pdf. Click on. The shape of your mouse does not change, unlike for the pencil function. But you can draw a text field as usual. To do this, hold down the mouse button, move it a little and then release it. Enter your text in the text field and move it to the desired position on the page. 
  • To move inserted elements, activateand click on the desired element. You can now drag it to the desired position.
  • If you want to delete added elements, click on the element. Click onand confirm the delete command. You can delete drawings and text fields even after you have saved and closed the file. 

    If you want to delete all added elements on a page, click on. The pdf page will not be deleted. 


3. Save or print a file:

Unlike with other Office integrations in Aktenplatz, your added text fields and drawings are not automatically saved. Click Save to save your changes.

If you want to print the file, select Print and a dialogue box will open.

If you want to use OCR recognition, see the tutorial Using OCR.