Once you have linked an Outlook account to a project, you can create a mail subscription and import your mails into Aktenplatz.
To do this,
1. Click on Mail in the project settings of the corresponding project.
2. Click on Create Mail Subscription.
Your mails are imported automatically.
Normally, Aktenplatz automatically imports mails that you receive via the synchronised Outlook account after the first import. If this is not the case, you can carry out the process manually by clicking on Import Mails and selecting an Outlook folder and an Aktenplatz target project in the following window.
Another reason why your mails are no longer imported automatically could be that you have changed your Outlook password or something similar. In this case, click Refresh Email Subscription.
With the Mail Rules function, you can assign mails from different addresses that you manage with your Outlook account to different projects. You can find out how to do thishere.