Work reports

You can easily keep track of your working time with Aktenplatz.

Once you have recorded your working time in Aktenplatz, you have the option of displaying work reports.

Proceed as follows: 

1. Open the My Work area via the dark grey bar on the left.


2. Click on Work Reports


3. A list view of your working time opens.

  • At the top left you can select the month. 
  • Under Total you can see the working time you have recorded so far this month. Under the respective date you can read your daily working time. 
  • If you record your working time separately for certain tasks, the titles of the tasks you have worked on appear in the Task column. Otherwise you will only fine “NA” and “Total” in this column.

    Read here, how you can log your working time seperately for certain tasks. 


4. Click on the  icon to export or download your working time in different formats.

If you export your work report…

  • as a PDF file, you will receive an activity report that shows how many hours you have worked in total and on individual days (for example 7.58 hours). 
  • in the form of an hours summanry, you will also receive a PDF file. However, this one shows your exact working hours (for example 09:00-14.51).
  • a CSV file, it can be used for accounting purposes.