Creating a File

You can add a new file within the selected project space in just a few clicks. When creating a file, you can specify its fields, assignees, tray, priority, etc. Furthermore, you can also select attachments and sub-issues for a file if required.

The procedure for creating a file is as follows:

1. Click a project within which you want to create a file.
    The project’s space displays.


2. Click Create File.

The Infos dialog displays where you have to specify certain parameters to create a file.


3. Specify the following parameters in Infos dialog.

  1. Summary: Specify the file’s summary in one or two lines.

  2. Priority. Select a file’s priority from the dropdown. You can select from any of the following priorities: Highest, High, Low, Lowest.

  3. Tray: Select a tray from the dropdown where this file will be placed.

  4. Columns/Fields: Specify values of the fields available for the file. For example, First Name, Last Name, etc.

  5. Assignees: Select people who are responsible for dealing with the file. You can select as many people as required.


4. After specifying the above parameters, click Create File.
    The file creates with the specified parameters.